thank you TEACHER!
Thank You, Teacher
Thank you, skillful teacher,
For teaching me to be
A stronger, smarter person,
For teaching me to be
A stronger, smarter person,
Thank you, favorite teacher
For acting like a friend,
And taking time to show me,
Lessons hard to comprehend.
For acting like a friend,
And taking time to show me,
Lessons hard to comprehend.
Thank you for your caring
And lots of other stuff;
For all the things you gave me,
I can't thank you enough.
And lots of other stuff;
For all the things you gave me,
I can't thank you enough.
By Joanna Fuchs
"SimpLe minds are satisfied by simpListic expLanatiOns." You can’t have goOd ideas, if yOu dOn’t have a Lot of ideas ! :: siMpLe-sHida ::
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